
Fostoria Glass made a large variety of Nappy dishes in the American pattern.  They made flared, deep, shallow, handled, and regular nappies; hence, they offered a wide assortment to choose from.  The photo gallery below displays those items that were officially described as a Nappy by the Fostoria Glass Company.

In addition, there is one solo item that Fostoria Glass included in their Nappy category, the 3-Toed Tricorne (M-01).  When this item first debuted, they listed it as a “miscellaneous” item.

As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay.  The following link shows available Nappies on eBay.

Fostoria American Nappy - 4½ Inch
495.  Regular Nappy – 4½”


Fostoria American Handled Nappy - Regular
499.  Handled Nappy – Regular
Fostoria American Handled Nappy, 3-Cornered
501.  Handled Nappy,


Fostoria American Handled Nappy - Square
502.  Handled Nappy – Square
Fostoria American Nappy and Cover
505.  Regular Nappy & Cover
Fostoria American Regular Nappy, 5-inch
506.  Regular Nappy – 5″
Fostoria American Regular Nappy, 6-inch
512.  Regular Nappy – 6″
Fostoria American Regular Nappy, 7-inch
517.  Regular Nappy – 7″
Fostoria American Regular Nappy, 8-inch
521.  Regular Nappy – 8″


Fostoria American Deep Nappy - 8"
522.  Deep Nappy – 8″
Fostoria American Deep Nappy - 10"
211-DN.  Deep Nappy – 10″
Fostoria American Handled Nappy - Flared
HN-05.  Handled Nappy – Flared


Fostoria American 3-Toed Tricorne
M-01.  3-Toed Tricorne
Fostoria American 7" Shallow Nappy
SN-07.  Shallow Nappy – 7″
Fostoria American 8" Shallow Nappy
SN-08.  Shallow Nappy – 8″
Fostoria American Flared Nappies
Flared Nappy Dishes


Identification & Reference Books

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