Fostoria American Regular Nappy, 7-inch

Regular Nappy – 7″


Item Number:  517
Diameter:  7”
Production Dates:  1915-1982

Fostoria Glass made a large variety of Nappy dishes in their American pattern.  Nappy (517) is about 3¼” in height, 7″ in diameter, round in shape, and without a handle.  It is the “regular” Nappy.  Other similar-sized nappies were also produced, such as the 7″ Shallow Nappy.  The Shallow Nappy is about 1½” shorter in height, with sides that flare outward.

As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay.  The following link shows available round Nappies on eBay.

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